Monday, August 31, 2020




I believe in the power of belief

to overcome limitations and obstacles;

To heal this world, not only of the

virus that stalks us all, but of the

divisions, fear and cruelty that

separate us from each other.  I believe

that if we work TOGETHER, in BELIEF we

can and we WILL overcome. 



Because belief has pulled countries from

the ashes and devastation of war;

Has given us “A DREAM”;

Has taken us to the moon and amongst

the stars.


I believe in human beings and in the

power of our belief.  If we are willing to

try, and to work past our differences

in our shared humanity.


Please share if you do too.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Rolling with the Changes -- and a proposed cover on the new mystery.



Thought I would drop by to let you know how things are going.


Latest mystery will be off to the editor at the end of the month (which is coming up ridiculously rapidly).


Celia Graves draft is moving along nicely.


I still need to edit the website (BAD author), but a family member is reaching the end of his life and that weighs heavy on my mind.


A friend sent me a reminiscence piece a while back about his uncle who was killed and how time rolls on and how soon he (we/everyone) is forgotten and just a part of history.  It was a beautiful piece.  And it was very, very true.


The generation of my parents is almost all gone now—the World War II generation a part of history that, for people two generations down i
sn’t “real” at all anymore, not any more real than the Civil War or the American Revolution.  I am a part of the older generation.


Things have changed, and keep changing—sometimes, like this year, at a breathless, breakneck pace that is hard to keep up with.


Will things ever be the same?  I don’t know.  Probably not.  And if they will be, I don’t have time to wait for it.  I will move forward in the now doing the best I can with what I know right now. 


We only have so long here.  I have wasted enough time.  I want to make the most of the rest of mine.






Sunday, August 23, 2020


 Never, ever, ever give up.

Life has gotten very weird for everyone.  The pandemic is changing/has changed everything externally.  But internally people are people.  We are still strong, courageous, and inventive.

And right now inventive is a BIG THING.  

One of the few things I've always admired about myself (normally I'm pretty hard on myself, but I like this thing) is determination.  I will find a way.  Okay, the car won't start--I'll take the bus.  Bus running late?  Okay, I'll walk.  Too far?  Okay, I'll call a cab.  You get the drift.  I find a way.

This attitude annoys the hell out of a lot of people because of the sheer pig-headedness of it.  The WILL and determination that just KEEPs going.  (To quote one of the motivational videos I've watched.  "Crawling is acceptable.  Quitting is NOT acceptable.")  But the attitude has gotten me "out of the woods" that I was lost in for a long while.  I am happy again.  I have a new life, a new job, my son is improving, I'm healthier, I'm WRITING (and I actually have an OFFICE AGAIN!!!WOOOT).  And I've signed up for a 5 day challenge to learn more about branding and business.

Because I'm back.  I've made a decision.  I'm an essential worker during the day, making the contribution I can there.  But I am an author.  It's who I am and what I do.  And I am now going to figure out how to get back on that horse and make it work for me.

I sent out a newsletter.  I have no idea if anyone will respond.  I may be starting over from absolute zero.  But that's okay.  Not great--I mean, yeah, I want a fan base that loves me and will have stuck around, but okay.  Because I did this once.  I can do this again--and better.  I've learned so much more and I'm so much stronger.

So here I am again.


I am returning to the world of writing. I have a van that I'm using as a mobile office.

 Life is good.  Somewhat crazy--but hey, I can see (there was a huge vision scare that thanks to the surgeon is going to be okay) I can walk...